K9 Nose Work

K9 NOSE WORK® or Scent Work is a dog sport that was created by a team of professional dog trainers that worked with certified detection dogs and search and rescue teams. It was designed to provide all breed and temperament types with an outlet to use a dog's natural hunting and scenting abilities. K9 NOSE WORK® builds confidence, provides a mental outlet for your dog, and builds a solid foundation for those thinking of getting into Search and Rescue or tracking while learning the nose work "games" and hunting skills. Our class prepares you to compete in nose work odor trials if your goal is to compete. For more information on K9 NOSE WORK®, check out NACSW.
If you have not trained with Robin Ford Dog Training before and have started nose work already, Robin will need to do an evaluation to see which class level your dog will best fit in.
Our nose work group class sessions are 5 weeks long. Private nose work lessons can be set-up as well.
Robin Ford is a NACSW Certified Canine Nose Work Instructor (CNWI), NACSW Odor Recognition Test Judge and Certifying Official, C-WAGS Scent Work Judge, and AKC Scent Work Judge. She has achieved numerous NACSW and AKC Scent Work titles on her dogs. In addition to the sport of Nose Work, Robin can help teams with other detection type of training for those interested in other search and find training. These are typically conducted as offsite training sessions. Robin is also active in training her own dogs in various SAR groups. Big Mac is a Search and Rescue certified live find dog, certified through IDHS. Robin is also currently training one of her other dogs in human remains.
Class Policy
In all K9 NOSE WORK® classes, dogs will be worked one at a time. Dogs not working will be crated; I have crates available in the arena for your use or your dog can be left in your car. All "types" of dogs are welcome, reactive dogs will wear a red bandana.
What class is right for you?
Introduction to K9 NOSE WORK® / Scent Work Class
Goal of this class is to teach your dog "hunting" is fun. Building a strong desire for the hunt and search before odor is introduced.
Most people take two sessions of this class to make sure their foundation is strong. Just like agility contacts, a poor foundation can lead to later problem with searching for odor.
Introduction to Odor Class
Goal of this class is to introduce your dogs to odor, while also increasing the challenges they have to face while searching.
Group classes are focused on what the group needs to work on, such as containers or vehicles. If you want to work on something specific to you and your dog, we recommend considering a private one-one lesson.